Re­se­arch | 17 De­zem­ber 2024 00:00

Ori­gi­nal-Re­se­arch: Ad­van­ced Block­chain AG – from GBC AG
17.12.2024 / 12:01 CET/CEST
Dis­se­mi­na­ti­on of a Re­se­arch, trans­mit­ted by EQS News – a ser­vice of EQS Group AG.
The is­suer is so­le­ly re­spon­si­ble for the con­tent of this re­se­arch. The re­sult of this re­se­arch does not con­sti­tu­te in­vest­ment ad­vice or an in­vi­ta­ti­on to con­clude cer­tain stock ex­ch­an­ge tran­sac­tions.

Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of GBC AG to Ad­van­ced Block­chain AG

Com­pa­ny Name: Ad­van­ced Block­chain AG
ISIN: DE000A0M93V6
Re­ason for the re­se­arch: Ma­nage­ment in­ter­view
Re­com­men­da­ti­on: Buy
Tar­get pri­ce: 10.75 EUR
Tar­get pri­ce on sight of: 31.12.2025
Last ra­ting ch­an­ge:
Ana­lyst: Mat­thi­as Greif­fen­ber­ger, Mar­cel Gold­mann

‚peaq is an out­stan­ding ex­am­p­le of the suc­cess of our in­cu­ba­ti­on stra­tegy. […] Our share has sin­ce fluc­tua­ted around USD 60 mil­li­on de­pen­ding on the dai­ly pri­ce.‘

GBC AG: What key to­pics and pro­jects did you pre­sent at the Ei­gen­ka­pi­tal­fo­rum?

Ha­tem El­say­ed: At the Ei­gen­ka­pi­tal­fo­rum, we pre­sen­ted our stra­te­gic di­rec­tion and me­a­su­res to im­pro­ve li­qui­di­ty. Our fu­ture in­vest­ment fo­cus will be on tar­ge­ted ear­ly-stage in­vest­ments in high-growth sec­tors such as De­PINs, Bit­co­in Layer‑2 so­lu­ti­ons, and Real World As­sets and more.

GBC AG: What feed­back did you re­cei­ve from the in­ves­tors pre­sent at the Equi­ty Fo­rum?

Maik Las­ke: The feed­back from in­ves­tors was over­whel­mingly po­si­ti­ve, par­ti­cu­lar­ly re­gar­ding the com­bi­na­ti­on of stra­te­gic in­vest­ments and ef­fi­ci­ent li­qui­di­ty ma­nage­ment, as well as the new core team. In­ves­tors prai­sed our com­mit­ment to De­PINs and in­ter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty, high­light­ing their gro­wing im­portance. The mar­ket po­ten­ti­al for De­PINs alo­ne is esti­ma­ted to reach USD 3.5 tril­li­on by 2028.

Ha­tem El­say­ed: Our strong deaf­low pipe­line and suc­cessful track re­cord of exits were par­ti­cu­lar­ly well-re­cei­ved, fur­ther streng­thening con­fi­dence in our busi­ness mo­del.

GBC AG: Were the­re any to­pics that were cri­ti­cal­ly re­cei­ved?

Maik Las­ke: Cri­ti­cal ques­ti­ons pri­ma­ri­ly re­vol­ved around mar­ket vo­la­ti­li­ty and our risk ma­nage­ment stra­tegy. Here, we out­lined our tar­get of in­cre­asing li­quid re­ser­ves to at least 25%. Ad­di­tio­nal­ly, a lack of trans­pa­ren­cy was no­ted as an­o­ther cri­ti­cal point, which we are ad­dres­sing as a key prio­ri­ty in our fu­ture work.

Ha­tem El­say­ed: Ques­ti­ons also aro­se re­gar­ding the stream­li­ning of our cor­po­ra­te struc­tu­re and the as­so­cia­ted chal­lenges. Ho­we­ver, we were able to pre­sent con­vin­cing per­spec­ti­ves and so­lu­ti­ons.

GBC AG: Re­gar­ding your new stra­tegy: What are your fo­cal points for fu­ture in­vest­ments in block­chain tech­no­lo­gies?

Ha­tem El­say­ed: Our in­vest­ment stra­tegy fo­cu­ses on high-growth sec­tors such as De­PINs, Bit­co­in Layer‑2 so­lu­ti­ons, and Real-World As­sets among others. We see enorm­ous po­ten­ti­al in the­se are­as as they not only dri­ve tech­no­lo­gi­cal in­no­va­ti­on but also crea­te real-world use ca­ses that of­fer long-term va­lue.

GBC AG: What are your goals in this re­gard, and how do you as­sess the po­ten­ti­al of the­se are­as for fu­ture growth?

Ha­tem El­say­ed: Our goal is to ex­pand our port­fo­lio with pro­jects that are eco­no­mic­al­ly pro­fi­ta­ble and tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly ground­brea­king. We plan to in­vest in ear­ly stage fun­ding rounds of pro­jects that we can ac­tively sca­le and sup­port to achie­ve abo­ve-avera­ge re­turns. For the co­ming year, we have al­lo­ca­ted an in­vest­ment bud­get of up to EUR 2 mil­li­on and an­ti­ci­pa­te mo­ne­tiza­ti­on re­ve­nues of EUR 4 mil­li­on to fi­nan­ce the­se in­vest­ments.

GBC AG: Gi­ven the vo­la­ti­li­ty of the cryp­to mar­ket, you aim to in­crease li­quid re­ser­ves to at least 25%. What me­a­su­res are you ta­king to achie­ve this tar­get while also sei­zing at­trac­ti­ve in­vest­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties?

Maik Las­ke: Our stra­tegy in­vol­ves se­ve­ral me­a­su­res to achie­ve the tar­ge­ted li­qui­di­ty ra­tio while in­ves­t­ing in pro­mi­sing pro­jects. This in­cludes stra­te­gic exits from sel­ec­ted in­vest­ments to enhan­ce li­qui­di­ty. We also plan to li­qui­da­te some of our exis­ting as­sets in ex­ch­an­ge for es­tab­lished blue-chip to­kens. Ad­di­tio­nal­ly, we are go­ing to de­ploy li­quid to­kens in sta­king ac­ti­vi­ties and li­qui­di­ty pools to ge­ne­ra­te ad­di­tio­nal in­co­me. The­se steps streng­then our fi­nan­cial base and pro­vi­de sta­bi­li­ty even du­ring vo­la­ti­le mar­ket pha­ses.

GBC AG: You plan to stream­li­ne the cor­po­ra­te struc­tu­re to pro­mo­te ef­fi­ci­en­cy and cost re­duc­tions. What chal­lenges do you fo­re­see in im­ple­men­ting this me­a­su­re, and how will you en­su­re that core in­no­va­ti­on and cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re are pre­ser­ved?

Maik Las­ke: The big­gest chall­enge is crea­ting a lea­ner struc­tu­re wi­t­hout com­pro­mi­sing va­lue po­ten­ti­al. By fo­cu­sing on core busi­ness units, we eli­mi­na­te in­ef­fi­ci­ent pro­ces­ses and achie­ve las­ting cost re­duc­tions. This not only crea­tes clear struc­tures but also in­crea­ses trans­pa­ren­cy for our share­hol­ders and streng­thens con­fi­dence in our ope­ra­tio­nal di­rec­tion. We re­di­rect freed-up re­sour­ces to high-growth are­as, en­su­ring more ef­fi­ci­ent ca­pi­tal al­lo­ca­ti­on and long-term in­crea­ses in as­set va­lue for share­hol­ders.

GBC AG: Just be­fo­re the Ei­gen­ka­pi­tal­fo­rum, you an­noun­ced th­ree new in­vest­ments. Could you brief­ly in­tro­du­ce the­se re­cent in­vest­ments by Ad­van­ced Block­chain?

Ha­tem El­say­ed: Yes, we re­cent­ly in­ves­ted in th­ree high­ly pro­mi­sing pro­jects:

1. AO To­ken Far­ming: AO is a de­cen­tra­li­zed su­per­com­pu­ter built on the Ar­wea­ve net­work. AO com­bi­nes per­ma­nent data sto­rage with de­cen­tra­li­zed com­pu­ting re­sour­ces, en­ab­ling de­ve­lo­pers to crea­te in­no­va­ti­ve ap­pli­ca­ti­ons. Think of AO as a glo­bal, dis­tri­bu­ted data cen­ter that ope­ra­tes se­cu­re­ly and ef­fi­ci­ent­ly wi­t­hout a cen­tral ope­ra­tor. Stored data re­mains per­ma­nent­ly available, eli­mi­na­ting the need for ex­pen­si­ve ser­vers or li­mi­t­ed sto­rage so­lu­ti­ons.

2. Te­neo Pro­to­col: An in­no­va­ti­ve pro­vi­der of de­cen­tra­li­zed data in­fra­struc­tu­re that helps busi­nesses ef­fi­ci­ent­ly and cost-ef­fec­tively uti­li­ze so­cial me­dia data. Te­neo al­lows com­pa­nies to ac­cess ne­ces­sa­ry data di­rect­ly from so­cial me­dia plat­forms wi­t­hout re­ly­ing on ex­pen­si­ve, cen­tra­li­zed data ser­vices. The data is pro­vi­ded by com­mu­ni­ty users who are in­cen­ti­vi­zed with pro­ject to­kens for their con­tri­bu­ti­ons. This mo­del fos­ters a sus­tainable and ac­ti­ve eco­sys­tem be­ne­fiting both busi­nesses and data pro­vi­ders.

3. Si­len­cio: A De­PIN pro­ject ope­ra­ting a glo­bal net­work of sen­sors for en­vi­ron­men­tal mo­ni­to­ring with in­no­va­ti­ve mo­ne­tiza­ti­on me­thods. Si­len­cio uses sen­sors to coll­ect data on en­vi­ron­men­tal con­di­ti­ons such as air qua­li­ty or noi­se pol­lu­ti­on. For in­s­tance, a net­work of sen­sors in ci­ties could gather data on air pol­lu­ti­on or noi­se le­vels, which is then sold to com­pa­nies or go­vern­ment agen­ci­es for en­vi­ron­men­tal re­ports or in­itia­ti­ves to im­pro­ve qua­li­ty of life. Re­cent­ly, the Abu Dha­bi En­vi­ron­men­tal Agen­cy laun­ched a noi­se pol­lu­ti­on map­ping in­itia­ti­ve, high­light­ing the re­le­van­ce of Silencio’s da­ta­sets. Such in­itia­ti­ves un­ders­core the gro­wing de­mand for ac­cu­ra­te and ac­ces­si­ble en­vi­ron­men­tal data pro­vi­ded by Si­len­cio.

GBC AG: Which com­pa­nies or pro­jects are you fo­cu­sing on?

Maik Las­ke: All th­ree pro­jects re­pre­sent core are­as of our stra­te­gic fo­cus and of­fer si­gni­fi­cant growth po­ten­ti­al.

GBC AG: Many cryp­to­cur­ren­ci­es and to­kens are curr­ent­ly ex­pe­ri­en­cing po­si­ti­ve de­ve­lo­p­ments. How do you as­sess the fu­ture of the cryp­to mar­ket, and what role do you think Ad­van­ced Block­chain will play in this dy­na­mic en­vi­ron­ment in the co­ming ye­ars?

Ha­tem El­say­ed: We view the cur­rent mar­ket dy­na­mics as clear con­fir­ma­ti­on of the re­le­van­ce and fu­ture via­bi­li­ty of block­chain tech­no­lo­gies. In par­ti­cu­lar, the De­PIN sec­tor and Bit­co­in Layer‑2 so­lu­ti­ons will be key growth dri­vers in the co­ming ye­ars. Ad­van­ced Block­chain will con­ti­nue to play a lea­ding role in this eco­sys­tem by in­ves­t­ing ear­ly in key tech ver­ti­cals, ac­tively sup­port­ing them, and crea­ting long-term va­lue tog­e­ther with our part­ners. Our di­ver­si­fied port­fo­lio and stra­te­gic ap­proach po­si­ti­on us op­ti­mal­ly to be­ne­fit sus­tain­ab­ly from this de­ve­lo­p­ment.

GBC AG: How do you eva­lua­te the de­ve­lo­p­ment of peaq af­ter its to­ken launch, and what si­gni­fi­can­ce does the pro­ject hold for Ad­van­ced Block­chain?

Maik Las­ke: peaq is an out­stan­ding ex­am­p­le of the suc­cess of our in­cu­ba­ti­on stra­tegy. Sin­ce the to­ken launch, the pri­ce has de­ve­lo­ped stron­gly and has al­re­a­dy re­a­ched an all time high of USD 0.75. Our to­ken share has sin­ce fluc­tua­ted around USD 60 mil­li­on de­pen­ding on the dai­ly pri­ce. As one of our first in­cu­ba­ti­on pro­jects, peaq is among the lea­ding plat­forms in the field of De­cen­tra­li­zed Phy­si­cal In­fra­struc­tu­re Net­works (De­PIN). The strong pri­ce de­ve­lo­p­ment of peaq com­pared to other to­ken laun­ches high­lights both the project’s po­ten­ti­al and the ef­fec­ti­ve­ness of our busi­ness mo­del. For both peaq and other in­vest­ments, the group plans to ge­ne­ra­te sta­ble re­turns in the fu­ture th­rough long-term par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and sta­king re­ve­nues.

GBC AG: Thank you for the in­ter­view.

You can down­load the re­se­arch here: http://​www​.more​-ir​.de/​d​/​3​1​5​5​1​.​pdf

Cont­act for ques­ti­ons:
Hal­der­stra­ße 27
86150 Augs­burg
0821241133 0
Of­fen­le­gung mög­li­cher In­ter­es­sens­kon­flik­te nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR Beim oben ana­ly­sier­ten Un­ter­neh­men ist fol­gen­der mög­li­cher In­ter­es­sen­kon­flikt ge­ge­ben: (5a,11); Ei­nen Ka­ta­log mög­li­cher In­ter­es­sen­kon­flik­te fin­den Sie un­ter: http://​www​.gbc​-ag​.de/​d​e​/​O​f​f​e​n​l​e​g​ung
Date (time) of com­ple­ti­on: 17.12.2024, 11:00
Date (time) of the first trans­mis­si­on: 17.12.2024, 12:00

Ori­gi­nal-Re­se­arch: Ad­van­ced Block­chain AG (from GBC AG): Buy

Hal­der­stra­ße 27
86150 Augs­burg

Pho­ne: +49 821 241133–0
E‑mail: office(@)

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