Re­se­arch | 15 Ja­nu­ar 2025 00:00

Ori­gi­nal-Re­se­arch: dy­na­CERT Inc. – from GBC AG

15.01.2025 / 06:00 CET/CEST
Dis­se­mi­na­ti­on of a Re­se­arch, trans­mit­ted by EQS News – a ser­vice of EQS Group.
The is­suer is so­le­ly re­spon­si­ble for the con­tent of this re­se­arch. The re­sult of this re­se­arch does not con­sti­tu­te in­vest­ment ad­vice or an in­vi­ta­ti­on to con­clude cer­tain stock ex­ch­an­ge tran­sac­tions.

Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of GBC AG to dy­na­CERT Inc.

Com­pa­ny Name: dy­na­CERT Inc.
ISIN: CA26780A1084
Re­ason for the re­se­arch: Ma­nage­ment In­ter­view
Re­com­men­da­ti­on: Ma­nage­ment In­ter­view
Last ra­ting ch­an­ge:
Ana­lyst: Mat­thi­as Greif­fen­ber­ger, Mar­cel Gold­mann

Vi­si­on for the Co­ming Ye­ars: Growth Stra­te­gies and Sus­tainableIn­no­va­ti­on

GBC AG: Mr. Krü­per, how do you see the fu­ture of die­sel en­gi­nes ina world that is in­cre­asing­ly fo­cu­sed on elec­tro­mo­bi­li­ty andal­ter­na­ti­ve dri­ves?

Bernd Krü­per: First, I would like to em­pha­si­ze ba­sed on my more than 30years of pro­fes­sio­nal ex­pe­ri­ence in the au­to­mo­ti­ve sec­tor, as well as va­rious sta­tio­na­ry and mo­bi­le off-road ap­pli­ca­ti­ons, that many of the­se ap­pli­ca­ti­ons would not have been tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly and com­mer­ci­al­ly fe­a­si­ble wi­t­hout clas­sic in­ter­nal com­bus­ti­on en­gi­nes. But now, our fo­cus is shif­ting to the fu­ture of die­sel en­gi­nes. I am also plea­sed that the dis­cus­sion around ful­ly elec­tric dri­ves is in­cre­asing­ly in­cor­po­ra­ting more tech­no­lo­gi­cal un­der­stan­ding, rea­lism, and prag­ma­tism.

Of cour­se, the­re are mar­ket seg­ments whe­re ful­ly elec­tric ap­pli­ca­ti­ons re­pre­sent the most sen­si­ble and en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly so­lu­ti­on. Ho­we­ver, it is im­portant to note that “one size fits all” does not ap­p­ly here. The­re are num­e­rous ap­pli­ca­ti­ons whe­re a mo­dern com­bus­ti­on en­gi­ne still pro­vi­des the best tech­no­lo­gi­cal so­lu­ti­on – espe­ci­al­ly in com­mer­ci­al­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve mar­kets such as long-di­stance truck­ing, mi­ning, and the oil and gas busi­ness.

I would espe­ci­al­ly like to high­light that it is of­ten not just about whe­ther an in­ter­nal com­bus­ti­on en­gi­ne is used, but also about which fuels are em­ploy­ed. This brings up the ques­ti­on of whe­ther the fuels are fos­sil, like die­sel, or non- fos­sil al­ter­na­ti­ves. The­se in­clude hy­dro­gen-en­ri­ched fuels, such as tho­se used in our case at dy­na­CERT.

GBC AG: The die­sel en­gi­ne mar­ket is still huge. Which mar­ket seg­ments do you see as par­ti­cu­lar­ly at­trac­ti­ve for ap­p­ly­ing your Hy­d­ra­GEN™ tech­no­lo­gy?

The Hy­d­ra­GEN™ tech­no­lo­gy from dy­na­CERT works fun­da­men­tal­ly with all com­bus­ti­on en­gi­nes. Our pre­vious ex­pe­ri­ence is main­ly in the die­sel en­gi­ne sec­tor, but we are in­cre­asing­ly re­cei­ving in­qui­ries, for ex­am­p­le, for use in the na­tu­ral gas sec­tor.

The grea­test fuel sa­vings – and con­se­quent­ly, re­duc­tions in emis­si­ons – are achie­ved with our cus­to­mers, espe­ci­al­ly in so-cal­led ‚con­ti­nuous run­ner‘ ap­pli­ca­ti­ons. The­se in­clude long-di­stance trucks, mi­ning trucks, oil and gas dri­ves, and ge­ne­ra­tors. Our tech­no­lo­gy is also high­ly ef­fec­ti­ve in the rail­way sec­tor, as well as with so-cal­led oce­an-go­ing ves­sels and in­land ship­ping.

While we are al­re­a­dy im­ple­men­ting si­gni­fi­cant­ly in­cre­asing vo­lu­mes in the for­mer ap­pli­ca­ti­on are­as and thus gro­wing as a com­pa­ny, we are still in the ear­ly stages with rail­way and ship dri­ves. Ho­we­ver, we are al­re­a­dy re­cei­ving se­rious in­qui­ries in the­se are­as from va­rious re­gi­ons around the world.

GBC AG: Could you plea­se ex­plain how the Hy­d­ra­GEN™ tech­no­lo­gy works and how it re­du­ces die­sel con­sump­ti­on and CO2 emis­si­ons?

First of all, it is im­portant to un­der­stand that at dy­na­CERT, we do not re­qui­re an ex­ten­si­ve hy­dro­gen in­fra­struc­tu­re – no pipe­lines or the trans­por­ta­ti­on of hy­dro­gen via trucks or trains to the con­sump­ti­on site, as is the case with many other curr­ent­ly dis­cus­sed hy­dro­gen tech­no­lo­gies.

With dynaCERT’s Hy­d­ra­GEN™ tech­no­lo­gy, the si­tua­ti­on is dif­fe­rent and con­cep­tual­ly much simp­ler. Our cus­to­mers ge­ne­ra­te the hy­dro­gen them­sel­ves – in a se­pa­ra­te, com­pact box moun­ted on the ve­hic­le or ge­ne­ra­tor. Af­ter an in­stal­la­ti­on ef­fort of about two hours, the in­te­gra­ted elec­tro­ly­sis unit in the box can ge­ne­ra­te the re­qui­red hy­dro­gen and oxy­gen ‚on de­mand‘ and di­rect­ly feed it into the engine’s in­ta­ke tract.

By in­jec­ting the hy­dro­gen be­fo­re the tur­bo­char­ger, the die­sel mix­tu­re is ther­mal­ly im­pro­ved. This leads to an ear­lier and much more ef­fi­ci­ent com­bus­ti­on in the en­gi­ne, which not only no­ti­ce­ab­ly re­du­ces fuel con­sump­ti­on but also si­gni­fi­cant­ly lo­wers emis­si­ons and par­ti­cu­la­te mat­ter. The same ap­pli­es to the re­du­ced need for urea and the re­duc­tion of hy­dro­car­bons.

To sum­ma­ri­ze: With mi­ni­mal ef­fort, fuel cos­ts and en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pact can be si­gni­fi­cant­ly re­du­ced – what more could you want?

An­o­ther ma­jor ad­van­ta­ge is the ap­pli­ca­ti­on in exis­ting ve­hic­le fleets. Our tech­no­lo­gy al­lows exis­ting sys­tems to be re­tro­fit­ted wi­t­hout the need for cos­t­ly new purcha­ses of ve­hic­les or ge­ne­ra­tors. In this way, we also con­tri­bu­te to the con­cept of the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my, ba­sed on the prin­ci­ple of ‚up­grading in­s­tead of dis­car­ding.‘

GBC AG: What spe­ci­fic en­vi­ron­men­tal be­ne­fits does Hy­d­ra­GEN™ of­fer, and how could it help com­pa­nies achie­ve their sus­taina­bi­li­ty goals?

As al­re­a­dy men­tio­ned, by si­gni­fi­cant­ly re­du­cing fuel con­sump­ti­on, we ‚au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly‘ re­du­ce emis­si­ons, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the form of CO2, THC, NOx, and other com­pon­ents that re­sult from the com­bus­ti­on of die­sel or other fos­sil fuels.

Fur­ther­mo­re, our ‚up­grade in­s­tead of dis­card‘ prin­ci­ple not only con­tri­bu­tes to re­sour­ce con­ser­va­ti­on but also sup­ports the prin­ci­ples of lon­ge­vi­ty and en­vi­ron­men­tal fri­end­li­ne­ss.

GBC AG: What sa­vings po­ten­ti­al can your cus­to­mers rea­li­ze by using Hy­d­ra­GEN™ and Hy­dra­Ly­ti­ca™, espe­ci­al­ly in in­dus­tries with high fuel con­sump­ti­on?

With the fuel re­duc­tion achie­ved by our Hy­d­ra­GEN™ by dy­na­CERT tech­no­lo­gy of at least 5%, de­pen­ding on the ap­pli­ca­ti­on and in­di­vi­du­al dri­ving be­ha­vi­or, our cus­to­mers use si­gni­fi­cant­ly less fuel, which leads to sub­stan­ti­al sa­vings, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the case of lar­ge ve­hic­le or ge­ne­ra­tor fleets – and all this with only two hours of in­stal­la­ti­on ef­fort.

Or, fi­nan­ci­al­ly spea­king: The ROI for the CapEx of our bo­xes is ty­pi­cal­ly less than one year – this is cer­tain­ly an im­pres­si­ve fi­gu­re, and one that we at dy­na­CERT can proud­ly show­ca­se in the mar­ket!

GBC AG: How do your tech­no­lo­gies be­ne­fit from the cur­rent po­li­ti­cal and re­gu­la­to­ry frame­works, which are in­cre­asing­ly fo­cu­sed on cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion and CO2 re­duc­tion?

Of cour­se, tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly sound and yet prag­ma­tic le­gis­la­ti­ve re­qui­re­ments are hel­pful for our busi­ness with hy­dro­gen tech­no­lo­gy. This is espe­ci­al­ly true af­ter the cor­rec­tion of the ra­ther one-di­men­sio­nal ‚full-elec­tric pro­mo­ti­on‘ and re­qui­re­ments of re­cent ye­ars, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the EU and spe­ci­fi­cal­ly in Ger­ma­ny. Be­cau­se in many ap­pli­ca­ti­ons, die­sel fleets sim­ply can­not be re­pla­ced in the short and me­di­um term.

The­r­e­fo­re, we wel­co­me meaningful and rea­li­stic po­li­ti­cal frame­works.

This also ap­pli­es to the sta­te-re­gu­la­ted CO2 tra­ding sys­tem, in which we are in­cre­asing­ly par­ti­ci­pa­ting with our Hy­dra­Ly­ti­ca™ te­le­ma­tics soft­ware by dy­na­CERT. Th­rough this, we can ge­ne­ra­te and mar­ket car­bon cre­dits for our Hy­d­ra­GEN™ users and for our­sel­ves at dy­na­CERT.

Ho­we­ver, even wi­t­hout re­gu­la­to­ry re­qui­re­ments, our Hy­d­ra­GEN™ cus­to­mers would al­re­a­dy be­ne­fit from si­gni­fi­cant fuel sa­vings. Ad­di­tio­nal re­ve­nue from car­bon cre­dits and the as­so­cia­ted po­si­ti­ve en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pact are won­derful ‚add-ons‘ that both our cus­to­mers and we at dy­na­CERT are hap­py to take for the en­vi­ron­ment and our wal­lets.

GBC AG: How do you col­la­bo­ra­te with your cus­to­mers? Is the­re a ty­pi­cal in­te­gra­ti­on of the tech­no­lo­gy, and what does long-term sup­port look like?

As al­re­a­dy men­tio­ned, we main­ly fo­cus on lar­ger fleet ope­ra­tors who are loo­king for a re­tro­fit­ting or up­grading so­lu­ti­on for exis­ting ve­hic­le fleets. The­se in­clude, for ex­am­p­le, trans­port and lo­gi­stics com­pa­nies, ship­ping com­pa­nies, or food trans­por­ters in long-di­stance traf­fic, as well as va­rious ve­hic­les in the mi­ning sec­tor.

Ty­pi­cal­ly, we agree with our in­te­res­ted leads to in­stall 3–5 Hy­d­ra­GEN™ bo­xes on the cor­re­spon­ding num­ber of ve­hic­les or ge­ne­ra­tors. The goal is to con­firm or even ex­ceed the pro­mi­sed fuel and emis­si­on re­duc­tions in real-world prac­ti­ce and dai­ly usa­ge. If we suc­ceed – which is usual­ly the case – we in­cre­asing­ly gain ac­cess to the fleets of ope­ra­tors, with the aim of equip­ping the en­ti­re fleet with Hy­d­ra­GEN™ tech­no­lo­gy over time.

De­pen­ding on the vo­lu­me and the space available, as well as the spe­ci­fic load pro­fi­le, me­cha­ni­cal or tech­no­lo­gi­cal ad­jus­t­ments in coor­di­na­ti­on with the fleet ope­ra­tor are also pos­si­ble.

GBC AG: In which mar­kets or in­dus­tries do you see the grea­test po­ten­ti­al for fu­ture cus­to­mers of dy­na­CERT? Are the­re any geo­gra­phic re­gi­ons that you are par­ti­cu­lar­ly fo­cu­sing on?

As men­tio­ned at the be­gin­ning, our Hy­d­ra­GEN™ by dy­na­CERT tech­no­lo­gy is fun­da­men­tal­ly sui­ta­ble for all com­mon com­bus­ti­on en­gi­nes that use fos­sil fuels.

So far, ho­we­ver, we are main­ly fo­cu­sed on the are­as of hea­vy-duty ve­hic­le long-di­stance trans­port, mi­ning, and the oil and gas busi­ness. Nevert­hel­ess, we are also re­cei­ving in­cre­asing in­qui­ries from sec­tors such as con­s­truc­tion, agri­cul­tu­ral ma­chi­nery, rail­way dri­ves, as well as oce­an-go­ing ves­sels and in­land ship­ping.

GBC AG: What are your per­so­nal goals for dy­na­CERT in the next 12 months to th­ree ye­ars? What mi­le­sto­nes would you like to achie­ve du­ring this time?

First of all, I am very im­pres­sed by what my pre­de­ces­sors and the en­ti­re dy­na­CERT team have achie­ved over the past two de­ca­des, both tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly and in terms of en­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion. Our Hy­d­ra­GEN™ hard­ware and Hy­dra­Ly­ti­ca™ soft­ware so­lu­ti­ons are ma­tu­re and com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly tes­ted in theo­ry and prac­ti­ce – they are ‚re­a­dy for mar­ket.‘ This can­not be said of all the hy­dro­gen or blen­ding so­lu­ti­ons curr­ent­ly ad­ver­ti­sed on the mar­ket.

As Pre­si­dent and Di­rec­tor of dy­na­CERT, it is my job to fur­ther in­crease the glo­bal vi­si­bi­li­ty of the com­pa­ny and its gre­at pro­ducts. In co­ope­ra­ti­on with my long-stan­ding, se­ni­or busi­ness and cus­to­mer net­work, I aim to ra­pidly ex­pand dynaCERT’s re­ve­nue, sa­les, and re­sults.

In­ter­nal struc­tures and pro­ces­ses at dy­na­CERT also need to be op­ti­mi­zed, crea­ting pro­fes­sio­nal and high­ly ef­fi­ci­ent work­flows that are con­ti­nuous­ly de­ve­lo­ped. In ad­di­ti­on to in­cre­asing re­ve­nue and sa­les, it is also im­portant to com­bi­ne stra­te­gic fo­re­sight with high cost ef­fi­ci­en­cy and cus­to­mer pro­xi­mi­ty on the in­ter­na­tio­nal sup­pli­er side and with the goal of la­ter re­gio­nal pro­duc­tion and pro­cu­re­ment lo­ca­liza­ti­on.

And of cour­se, I also want to make a si­gni­fi­cant con­tri­bu­ti­on to in­cre­asing the stock pri­ce so that it bet­ter re­flects the true va­lue of dy­na­CERT, be­ne­fiting both our share­hol­ders and the com­pa­ny.

As you can see, the­re is still much to do – for me and for the en­ti­re ma­nage­ment team at dy­na­CERT!

GBC AG: If we look back at this con­ver­sa­ti­on in five ye­ars, what would be your ide­al vi­si­on for dy­na­CERT and its con­tri­bu­ti­on to the glo­bal mo­bi­li­ty and en­vi­ron­men­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on?

I have many images in mind, but let me start with this one: dy­na­CERT is THE glo­bal lea­der in up­grading ve­hic­le, ship, and ge­ne­ra­tor fleets. Th­rough easy in­stal­la­ti­on and most­ly main­ten­an­ce-free and ro­bust ope­ra­ti­on, many cus­to­mers and the en­vi­ron­ment be­ne­fit from si­gni­fi­cant sa­vings in fuel and emis­si­ons – be­cau­se they know: The Hy­d­ra­GEN™ tech­no­lo­gy from dy­na­CERT is re­lia­ble!

This is re­flec­ted in the dy­na­CERT stock pri­ce and our strong, pro­fi­ta­ble growth – for the be­ne­fit of dy­na­CERT, its share­hol­ders, and its cus­to­mers!

You can down­load the re­se­arch here: http://​www​.more​-ir​.de/​d​/​3​1​6​2​3​.​pdf

Cont­act for ques­ti­ons:
Hal­der­stra­ße 27
86150 Augs­burg
0821241133 0
Of­fen­le­gung mög­li­cher In­ter­es­sens­kon­flik­te nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR Beim oben ana­ly­sier­ten Un­ter­neh­men ist fol­gen­der mög­li­cher In­ter­es­sen­kon­flikt ge­ge­ben: (11); Ei­nen Ka­ta­log mög­li­cher In­ter­es­sen­kon­flik­te fin­den Sie un­ter: http://​www​.gbc​-ag​.de/​d​e​/​O​f​f​e​n​l​e​g​ung
Date of Com­ple­ti­on: 14.01.2025 (12:30 pm)
Date of First Dis­tri­bu­ti­on: 15.01.2025 (06:00 am)

Ori­gi­nal-Re­se­arch: dy­na­CERT Inc. (von GBC AG): Ma­nage­ment In­ter­view

Hal­der­stra­ße 27
86150 Augs­burg

Pho­ne: +49 821 241133–0
E‑mail: office(@)

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