Re­se­arch | 5 De­zem­ber 2024 00:00

Ori­gi­nal-Re­se­arch: Ver­ve Group SE – from GBC AG
05.12.2024 / 10:30 CET/CEST
Dis­se­mi­na­ti­on of a Re­se­arch, trans­mit­ted by EQS News – a ser­vice of EQS Group AG.
The is­suer is so­le­ly re­spon­si­ble for the con­tent of this re­se­arch. The re­sult of this re­se­arch does not con­sti­tu­te in­vest­ment ad­vice or an in­vi­ta­ti­on to con­clude cer­tain stock ex­ch­an­ge tran­sac­tions.

Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of GBC AG to Ver­ve Group SE

Com­pa­ny Name: Ver­ve Group SE
ISIN: SE0018538068
Re­ason for the re­se­arch: Re­se­arch stu­dy (Com­ment)
Re­com­men­da­ti­on: BUY
Tar­get pri­ce: 6.70 EUR
Last ra­ting ch­an­ge:
Ana­lyst: Mar­cel Gold­mann, Cos­min Fil­ker

9M 2024: Dy­na­mic sa­les and ear­nings per­for­mance; mo­bi­le in-app ad­ver­ti­sing and ID-less ad­ver­ti­sing so­lu­ti­ons dri­ve strong or­ga­nic growth; GBC esti­ma­tes and pri­ce tar­get rai­sed

Busi­ness per­for­mance 9M 2024

On 28 No­vem­ber 2024, the Ver­ve Group (SE) pu­blished its nine-month and Q3 fi­gu­res for the cur­rent fi­nan­cial year. Thanks to its strong mar­ket po­si­tio­ning, par­ti­cu­lar­ly with in­no­va­ti­ve cus­to­mer so­lu­ti­ons (e.g. ATOM or Mo​ments​.AI) in the mo­bi­le ad­ver­ti­sing seg­ment, the ad tech group was able to be­ne­fit si­gni­fi­cant­ly from the ad­ver­ti­sing mar­ket re­co­very in the past nine months and achie­ve a dy­na­mic in­crease in con­so­li­da­ted di­gi­tal re­ve­nue of 31.1% to € 292.78 mil­li­on (9M 2023: € 223.27 mil­li­on).

Growth was main­ly dri­ven by in­creased de­mand for ID-less tar­ge­ting so­lu­ti­ons from new ad­ver­ti­sing cus­to­mers and in­creased bud­gets from exis­ting cus­to­mers (net USD ex­pan­si­on rate at the end of Q3 2024: 108% vs. 93.0% at the end of Q3 2023) as well as in­creased re­ve­nue from mo­bi­le full-screen and vi­deo ad­ver­ti­sing for­mats. Ac­cor­din­gly, the num­ber of lar­ge soft­ware cus­to­mers (an­nu­al gross re­ve­nue > USD 100,000) in­creased si­gni­fi­cant­ly by 55.9% to 1,076 at the end of the third quar­ter (in­clu­ding Jun ac­qui­si­ti­on; end of Q3 2023: 690). At the same time, the vo­lu­me of di­gi­tal ad­ver­ti­sing de­li­ver­ed in­creased si­gni­fi­cant­ly by 31.2% to 244 bil­li­on at the end of the third quar­ter (ad­ver­ti­se­ments at the end of Q3 2023: 186 bil­li­on).

The re­ve­nue ge­ne­ra­ted, which re­sul­ted in par­ti­cu­lar from the US mar­ket (US re­ve­nue share at the end of Q3: ap­pro­xi­m­ate­ly 80.0%), was main­ly dri­ven by the tra­di­tio­nal­ly lar­gest ad­ver­ti­sing seg­ment ‚Sup­p­ly Side Plat­form‘ with di­gi­tal re­ve­nue to­tal­ling € 258.99 mil­li­on (9M 2023: € 200.35 mil­li­on). This main busi­ness seg­ment re­cent­ly ac­coun­ted for around 88.5% of Group re­ve­nue.

The abo­ve-avera­ge growth achie­ved has en­ab­led the Ver­ve Group to main­tain its lea­ding mar­ket po­si­ti­on and even gain mar­ket share. Their strong mar­ket po­si­ti­on in the US mar­ket and the tech­no­lo­gy company’s po­si­ti­ve cus­to­mer re­spon­se are also re­flec­ted in Pixalate’s cur­rent Top Mo­bi­le SSP In­dex (Sel­ler Trust In­dex), whe­re Ver­ve re­cent­ly achie­ved a top ran­king with 99.0 in­dex points (SPO score).

In par­al­lel to their po­si­ti­ve sa­les de­ve­lo­p­ment, Ver­ve also achie­ved a plea­sing re­sult at ope­ra­ting ear­nings le­vel with EBITDA of € 84.45 mil­li­on. Com­pared to EBITDA in the same pe­ri­od of the pre­vious year (9M 2023: € 101.15 mil­li­on), which was si­gni­fi­cant­ly po­si­tively in­fluen­ced by the reva­lua­ti­on of the Axe­sIn­Mo­ti­on earn-out pay­ment lia­bi­li­ty (po­si­ti­ve one-off ef­fect of € 62.76 mil­li­on), the­re was a si­gni­fi­cant de­cli­ne in ear­nings. Ad­jus­ted for such spe­cial ef­fects (e.g. M&A and res­truc­tu­ring cos­ts or reva­lua­tions of ba­lan­ce sheet items), ho­we­ver, ad­jus­ted EBITDA (Adj. EBITDA) of € 84.80 mil­li­on was ge­ne­ra­ted, which was si­gni­fi­cant­ly hig­her than in the same pe­ri­od of the pre­vious year (9M 2023: € 63.50 mil­li­on).

In terms of ope­ra­ting pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty, a slight in­crease in pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty to 29.0% (9M 2022: 28.4%) was achie­ved on the ba­sis of the ad­jus­ted EBITDA mar­gin (Adj. EBITDA mar­gin) de­spi­te high in­vest­ments in the sa­les team and plat­form struc­tures. In ad­di­ti­on, the curr­ent­ly still ra­ther low CPMs (cost-per-mile) in the ad­ver­ti­sing in­dus­try pre­ven­ted a stron­ger in­crease in pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty.

The si­gni­fi­cant in­crease in ear­nings and high pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty were also re­flec­ted in an even stron­ger in­crease in ope­ra­ting cash flow of 152.5% to € 81.46 mil­li­on (9M 2023: € 32.26 mil­li­on). As a re­sult, the le­vera­ge ra­tio (net debt/adj. EBITDA) also im­pro­ved to 2.6x at the end of the third quar­ter (net le­vera­ge FY 2023: 3.1x). The com­pa­ny is fo­re­cas­ting a fur­ther im­pro­ve­ment to 2.4x by the end of the year.

Con­so­li­da­ted net pro­fit (af­ter mi­no­ri­ty in­te­rests) of € 14.49 mil­li­on was ge­ne­ra­ted af­ter the first nine months, which was be­low the pre­vious year’s le­vel (9M 2023: € 41.83 mil­li­on) due to the si­gni­fi­cant one-off ef­fect in the pre­vious fi­nan­cial year de­scri­bed abo­ve.

Busi­ness per­for­mance Q3 2024

The growth mo­men­tum achie­ved was par­ti­cu­lar­ly evi­dent in the third quar­ter as it was by far the stron­gest quar­ter in the cur­rent fi­nan­cial year to date. In the third quar­ter, Ver­ve achie­ved dy­na­mic sa­les growth of 45.2% year-on-year to € 113.74 mil­li­on, of which 31.0% was at­tri­bu­ta­ble to or­ga­nic growth ef­fects (ex­clu­ding cur­ren­cy ef­fects and the Jun Group ac­qui­si­ti­on). The si­gni­fi­cant (or­ga­nic) sa­les growth re­sul­ted pri­ma­ri­ly from in­creased new cus­to­mer ac­qui­si­ti­on and ex­pan­ded ad­ver­ti­sing bud­gets from exis­ting soft­ware cus­to­mers. In par­ti­cu­lar, ID-less ad­ver­ti­sing so­lu­ti­ons fuel­led growth among new and exis­ting cus­to­mers.

The in­or­ga­nic growth ef­fects re­cor­ded in the third quar­ter re­sul­ted from the Jun Group ac­qui­si­ti­on car­ri­ed out in the sum­mer (clo­sing at the end of July 2024). Ac­cor­ding to the com­pa­ny, the Jun Group in­te­gra­ti­on star­ted as plan­ned in the third quar­ter and the esti­ma­ted po­si­ti­ve syn­er­gy ef­fects from this are main­ly ex­pec­ted for the 2025 fi­nan­cial year. In the third quar­ter of 2024, the Jun Group al­re­a­dy achie­ved year-on-year sa­les growth of 7.0%, which is si­gni­fi­cant­ly hig­her than in the pre­vious se­cond quar­ter (YoY growth: 2.0%). In Oc­to­ber, the com­pa­ny achie­ved a fur­ther si­gni­fi­cant ac­ce­le­ra­ti­on in growth com­pared to the third quar­ter with a re­cor­ded growth rate of 13.0%, ge­ne­ra­ting a high EBITDA mar­gin of 49.0%.

At the same time, a si­gni­fi­cant in­crease in ad­jus­ted EBITDA (Adj. EBITDA) of 45.5% to € 33.60 mil­li­on (Q3 2023: € 23.10 mil­li­on) was achie­ved at ope­ra­ting ear­nings le­vel. At the same time, the ad­jus­ted EBITDA mar­gin im­pro­ved slight­ly to 30.0% (Q3 2023: 29.0%) thanks to the on­set of eco­no­mies of sca­le.

Fo­re­cast and pri­ce tar­get

In view of the ex­tre­me­ly po­si­ti­ve com­pa­ny per­for­mance in the first nine months and the ex­pec­ted strong pro­fi­ta­ble growth for the fourth quar­ter and sub­se­quent fi­nan­cial ye­ars, ma­nage­ment has re­af­firm­ed its pre­vious­ly rai­sed gui­dance (re­ve­nue of € 400.0 mil­li­on to € 420.0 mil­li­on and Adj. EBITDA of € 125.0 mil­li­on to € 135.0 mil­li­on) for the cur­rent fi­nan­cial year 2024 and its me­di­um-term gui­dance (re­ve­nue CAGR: 25.0% to 30.0%; Adj. EBITDA mar­gin: 30.0% to 35.0%). Ac­cor­din­gly, Ver­ve ex­pects con­tin­ued high growth mo­men­tum in the form of dou­ble-di­git pro­fi­ta­ble growth ra­tes in the fu­ture as the ad­ver­ti­sing mar­ket con­ti­nues to re­co­ver.

In light of the strong com­pa­ny re­sults and the con­firm­ed out­look, we have ad­jus­ted our esti­ma­tes for the cur­rent 2024 fi­nan­cial year up­wards. Ac­cor­din­gly, we now ex­pect sa­les of € 410.02 mil­li­on (pre­vious­ly: € 401.24 mil­li­on) and EBITDA of € 121.51 mil­li­on (pre­vious­ly: € 119.29 mil­li­on) for the cur­rent fi­nan­cial pe­ri­od. Our sa­les and ear­nings fo­re­casts for sub­se­quent fi­nan­cial ye­ars re­main un­ch­an­ged.

Ba­sed on our in­creased esti­ma­tes for the cur­rent fi­nan­cial year and our con­firm­ed fo­re­casts for the fol­lo­wing ye­ars, we have rai­sed our pre­vious pri­ce tar­get slight­ly to € 6.70 per share (pre­vious­ly: € 6.60 per share). In re­la­ti­on to the cur­rent share pri­ce le­vel, we the­r­e­fo­re con­ti­nue to as­sign a ‚BUY‘ ra­ting and see si­gni­fi­cant up­si­de po­ten­ti­al in the Ver­ve share.

You can down­load the re­se­arch here: http://​www​.more​-ir​.de/​d​/​3​1​4​9​5​.​pdf

Cont­act for ques­ti­ons:
Hal­der­stras­se 27
86150 Augs­burg
0821241133 0

Of­fen­le­gung mög­li­cher In­ter­es­sens­kon­flik­te nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR. Beim oben ana­ly­sier­ten Un­ter­neh­men ist fol­gen­der mög­li­cher In­ter­es­sen­kon­flikt ge­ge­ben: (5a,5b,7,11); Ei­nen Ka­ta­log mög­li­cher In­ter­es­sen­kon­flik­te fin­den Sie un­ter: http://​www​.gbc​-ag​.de/​d​e​/​O​f​f​e​n​l​e​g​ung

Date (time) of com­ple­ti­on: 05/12/2024 (9:01)
Date (time) of first dis­tri­bu­ti­on: 05/12/2024 (10:30)

Ori­gi­nal-Re­se­arch: Ver­ve Group SE (von GBC AG): BUY

Hal­der­stra­ße 27
86150 Augs­burg

Pho­ne: +49 821 241133–0
E‑mail: office(@)

Fol­low us!