Ad­ded va­lue dis­tri­bu­ti­on

„Our re­se­arch is read!“

In ad­di­ti­on to the high qua­li­ty of our stu­dies, we at­tach par­ti­cu­lar im­portance to the wi­de­spread dis­se­mi­na­ti­on of our ana­ly­ses. Thus, we achie­ve a par­ti­cu­lar­ly high reach among in­ves­tors via our dis­tri­bu­ti­on chan­nels.

In ad­di­ti­on to our own wide-ran­ging in­ves­tor and press dis­tri­bu­tors, we pu­blish our stu­dies th­rough, among others, DGAP, Thom­son Reu­ters, Fact­Set and Ca­pi­tal IQ (S&P Group) which, in our opi­ni­on, reach all ma­jor in­sti­tu­tio­nal in­ves­tors and as­set ma­na­gers in the small and mid-cap sec­tor di­rect­ly or in­di­rect­ly.

Mo­reo­ver, the esti­ma­tes and fo­re­cast data on the com­pa­nies we co­ver are thus al­ways available in the ma­jor da­ta­ba­ses for in­ves­tors. In ad­di­ti­on, over 1,000 in­ves­tors and press re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves are re­a­ched di­rect­ly via our in­ter­nal dis­tri­bu­ti­on list.

In ad­di­ti­on, our stu­dies on stocks and bonds are re­gu­lar­ly quo­ted on high­ly fre­quen­ted por­tals such as On​vis​ta​.de, DGAP​.de, Ak​ti​en​check​.de, An​lei​he​check​.de; fi​xed​-in​co​me​.org, etc. and thus also reach the pri­va­te in­ves­tor sec­tor. Fi­nan­cial ma­ga­zi­nes such as Der Ak­tio­när, Euro am Sonn­tag, Han­dels­blatt, FTD, Fo­cus­Mo­ney, Ne­ben­wer­te Jour­nal, etc. also fre­quent­ly quo­te our re­se­arch.

Ex­amp­les of dis­tri­bu­ti­on:


Thom­son Reu­ters

EQS News

In­ves­tor Ac­cess

39. MKK Mu­nich
April 02 & 03, 2025

14. IIF
Fe­bru­ary 25 , 2025


Ad­ded va­lue dis­tri­bu­ti­on

Ma­nu­el Hölz­le
Dipl.Kfm., Chief Ana­lyst
Chair­man of the Board

Hal­der­stra­ße 27
86150 Augs­burg

Pho­ne: +49 821 241133–0
E‑mail: hoelzle(@)

Fol­low us!