Investment Research / Valuation
„Transparency is the beginning of every successful investment“. This guiding principle characterizes our research and analysis services.
We offer companies as well as investment banks and financial services providers our qualified independent research and valuation services.
Our analysts bring the necessary transparency to the small and mid-cap segment through ongoing coverage and publication of research studies on equities and bonds of medium-sized companies.
In this way, we also make small and medium-sized Austrian, German and Swiss listed companies transparent for investors and accessible as a possible investment. After all, transparency is an essential prerequisite for investors‘ investment decisions.
Investment Research / Valuation
Manuel Hölzle
Dipl.Kfm., Chief Analyst
Chairman of the Board
Halderstraße 27
86150 Augsburg
Phone: +49 821 241133–0
E‑mail: hoelzle(@)