Com­pa­ny va­lua­ti­on

Ask yours­elf the fol­lo­wing ques­ti­ons:

  • What is my busi­ness or in­vest­ment worth?
  • What could be a fair va­lue when sel­ling my com­pa­ny or my share­hol­ding?
  • Is an IPO an op­ti­on for me or is a bond is­sue pos­si­ble?
  • How would ana­lysts, in­ves­tors and the ca­pi­tal mar­ket view my com­pa­ny?

If you are as­king yours­elf any of the­se ques­ti­ons, then we have the right so­lu­ti­on for you:

„Let our ana­lysts eva­lua­te your com­pa­ny as part of a con­fi­den­ti­al com­pa­ny ana­ly­sis!“

Our ana­lysts will come to your com­pa­ny, get an on-site pic­tu­re, ana­ly­ze your sta­tus quo and dis­cuss your cor­po­ra­te plans. As a re­sult, at the end of the eva­lua­ti­on pro­cess, you will re­cei­ve a de­tail­ed ca­pi­tal mar­ket-ori­en­ted in­vest­ment stu­dy for in­ter­nal use or as agreed for use by your tar­get group.

„The ut­most dis­cre­ti­on is gua­ran­teed!“

Con­fi­den­tia­li­ty and dis­cre­ti­on are of cour­se of the hig­hest im­portance to us. You can al­ways rely on our dis­cre­ti­on.

Are you as a com­pa­ny, in­vest­ment bank, fi­nan­cial ser­vice pro­vi­der or con­sul­tant in­te­res­ted in our re­se­arch and va­lua­ti­on ser­vices? If so, then plea­se cont­act us!

In­ves­tor Ac­cess

39. MKK Mu­nich
April 02 & 03, 2025

14. IIF
Fe­bru­ary 25 , 2025


Com­pa­ny Va­lua­ti­on

Ma­nu­el Hölz­le
Dipl.Kfm., Chief Ana­lyst
Chair­man of the Board

Hal­der­stra­ße 27
86150 Augs­burg

Pho­ne: +49 821 241133–0
E‑mail: hoelzle(@)

Fol­low us!