Ca­pi­tal Mar­ket Ad­vi­so­ry

GBC AG is a bank-in­de­pen­dent part­ner for small and me­di­um-si­zed busi­nesses in all fi­nan­cing mat­ters.

We of­fer our cus­to­mers the ex­per­ti­se as well as the clo­se-mes­hed net­work which are ne­ces­sa­ry, among other things, in or­der to take the first step away from one’s own house bank or sa­vings bank towards a broa­der, more bank-in­de­pen­dent fi­nan­cing struc­tu­re or to ex­pand it fur­ther.

The prime fo­cus of our work is not only the com­ple­te con­sul­ting and struc­tu­ring of cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic fi­nan­cing so­lu­ti­ons („tail­or-made fi­nan­cing so­lu­ti­ons“) but also the ana­ly­sis, pre­pa­ra­ti­on and eva­lua­ti­on of the exis­ting fi­nan­cing struc­tures as well as their op­ti­miza­ti­on to be car­ri­ed out in ad­van­ce.

GBC AG al­ways sees its­elf as a part­ner and so­lu­ti­on pro­vi­der at eye le­vel. With a powerful team of 15 em­ployees, GBC AG has been mee­ting the re­qui­re­ments of do­me­stic small and me­di­um-si­zed busi­nesses on the fi­nan­cial and ca­pi­tal mar­kets sin­ce 1999. Our „one-stop-shop“ prin­ci­ple gua­ran­tees our cus­to­mers that their ope­ra­tio­nal busi­ness re­mains at the fo­re­front of en­tre­pre­neu­ri­al ac­ti­vi­ties even in the midst of ex­ten­si­ve ca­pi­tal and fi­nan­cing me­a­su­res.

In­ves­tor Ac­cess

39. MKK Mu­nich
April 02 & 03, 2025

14. IIF
Fe­bru­ary 25 , 2025


Ca­pi­tal Mar­ket Ad­vi­so­ry

Hal­der­stra­ße 27
86150 Augs­burg

Pho­ne: +49 821 241133–0
E‑mail: office(@)

Fol­low us!