Financing Optimization
Certainly, one of the principles of successful entrepreneurship is to generate maximum return with the given resources and, indeed, this principle should already have found its way into almost every aspect of production.
When it comes to financing, however, SMEs usually have plenty of catching up to do when it comes to optimizing the resources they use—whether referring to over-securing existing credit lines, unused collateral, disadvantageously-selected accounting options or inadequate working capital management.
Therefore, it is usually much more lucrative for entrepreneurs to check their existing structures for hidden reserves in the run-up to an upcoming financing round and to leverage these first, rather than immediately increasing existing financing.
GBC has made it its business to support small and medium-sized companies in such a process and to look for optimization solutions together with them. In addition to its comprehensive analytical in-house know-how, GBC can also build on its extensive network in the field of SME financing.

Finanzing Optimization
Halderstraße 27
86150 Augsburg
Phone: +49 821 241133–0
E‑mail: office(@)